To track a group of assets, a single asset, or only certain assets, follow these steps:
Note: For a general description of the parts of the Tracking screen, see Navigating the Tracking Screen. For details about the Tracking screen's vertical toolbars on the right side of the map and other map features, go to Navigating the Tracking Screen's Map.
- Click
on the left side of the screen.
The Tracking screen will open.
By default, it displays the assets of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser on the map. If those are the vehicles you want to track, you can skip down to here (just after step 3's first Note). (See Choosing a Group to View Globally for details on how to change your chosen group.)
- If you would like to track a different group (or groups), an individual asset, or just a few assets, follow these steps:
- Click the Groups/Assets drop-down arrow at the top of the screen.
Your selected group will be displayed (City of Meryton in the example in the following figure). It should be automatically expanded to show its subgroups. (If not, an expansion arrow will appear to the left of its name.)
Note: If you want to view a group above this group, you'll need to change the group you have chosen in the Group Chooser, as shown in Choosing a Group to View Globally. If you want to view a group that is above your assigned group in your account hierarchy, you'll need to obtain different permissions from your organization's software administrator. - If the group or asset you need to track is a subgroup or in a subgroup, click the expansion arrow of its parent group (
If you want to track assets in one or more of their subgroups, clickto the left of the higher-level group's name — and keep doing so down the hierarchy until you reach the groups you want.
- To track entire groups, select the groups' check boxes. (
means selected, and
To track individual assets, click the More Options () icon under the group they belong to.
The group's assets will be displayed.
Then select each asset's check box.
Note: You can choose single assets under different groups as well.
Another method of tracking just one asset is to perform a search for it by typing part of its name in the Search field at the top left of the screen and selecting it from the matching entities that will appear in a drop-down list. - Click Done.
- If you need to filter the results by other entities (such as type or category), perform step 3.
Note: If you do not need the filters, you can hide them by clickingat the top of the screen. (To restore them to view, click
If not, skip down to here.
- Click the Groups/Assets drop-down arrow at the top of the screen.
- If you want to track only assets with a certain type, category, route, or status, you can apply one (or more) of the other filters at the top of the screen by clicking its drop-down arrow, selecting the properties you need, and clicking Done. (See Saving an Asset or Geofence View as a Filter for more details.)
Note: All the filters might not appear on your screen. There is a More Filters option that is responsive to the size of your browser window; it will be displayed if your window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters (and will contain all of those that don't fit).
If More Filters is displayed at the top of your page, you can access the options it houses by clicking its drop-down arrow and then the name of the filter.
- The assets of the groups you selected, assets with the applied filters, or individual assets will appear on the map.
Note: By default, labels will appear on the map with the assets' names, and the assets will be clustered, which means that multiple assets in the same area will appear as a group with a number, such as, instead of individually with their own labels. (You can turn off clustering or the labels by opening the Map Layers widget [click
] and deselecting Asset Clustering or Asset Labels under Fleet Assets. Configuration changes such as these will persist across user sessions; for example, if you turn off asset clustering and log out, when you log back in, you'll see that clustering is still disabled.)
Tracking will automatically watch the assets in real time, tracking their most recent activity and reporting their current GPS events. The map data is refreshed by default every 12 seconds.
HUGE FLEET MODE: If you are viewing a large number of assets (over 5,000), the CalAmp application will automatically turn on Huge Fleet mode, which is designed to optimize the Tracking screen's response to displaying so many vehicles. You will find that your assets' locations and details will not automatically update and that the option to turn off clustering has been removed.
You can switch to Normal mode by reducing the number of assets shown on the map (for example, by selecting a small group in the Group Chooser or applying one of the Tracking filters).
By default, each asset will be labeled with its name and an arrow marker indicating the direction it is traveling (or was last traveling). The marker colors indicate the following:
- Green (
): The asset is in motion.
- Yellow (
): The asset is idle.
- Gray (
): The asset is parked.
- Orange (
): The asset is in motion but doesn't have its ignition on, which sometimes indicates that it has been towed.
- Green (
- You have multiple options for viewing the tracking information for the displayed assets, including a grid view (similar to the grid in legacy iOn) and the asset list. To view the asset data, click
to the right of
Your assets will appear in whatever view you last had selected on the Tracking screen, such as the asset list:
- To change the asset list view, click your current view's icon (such as
) and then select from the icon options that will appear:
: Displays the asset cards in a list. Each asset card will provide some basic details, as follows:
A. The asset's name
B. The driver assigned to the asset
C. The asset's current state (such as Parked or Moving), plus the date and time data was last received from its GPS device
D. The address of its current location
E. The group the asset is assigned to
F. Its assigned CalAmp Tags (if any), which you can view by clicking the expansion arrow: Displays just the asset names and icons in a list.
: Switches to the asset grid and places it to the left of the map. You can click and drag
to the right to give the grid more screen real estate.
: Switches to the asset grid and places it below the map. You can click and drag
up to give the grid more screen real estate. With this view, the toolbars switch to horizontal if there isn't enough room for them to be placed vertically.
Note: The grid displays details about the selected assets, including where and when each asset's LMU last reported to CalAmp, what event was triggered, who was driving the vehicle (if a driver is assigned), and the vehicle's speed.
Each underlined asset name is a link you can click to open its Asset Details pane and zoom in on it on the map.
You can add or remove columns by clickingat the top right of the grid and following the steps in Customizing Displayed Columns. If you don't have CalAmp save grid modifications you make automatically for all the application's screens (if the Automatically Save Grid Settings toggle in the Preferences area of My Profile is deselected — see Viewing Your Profile and Setting Your Preferences), you can save any layout changes you've made to grid by clicking
. (See Saving Grid Changes for an Individual Screen for more details.)
If you apply any filters to the grid, you can clear them all by clicking(which will appear to the right of
: Changes the sort order of the asset names for the current list view. At first, this will be in ascending order (from lowest to highest for numbers, or from A to Z for words). Clicking the icon will switch to descending order (from highest to lowest for numbers, or from Z to A for words), and another click will return to ascending.
- You can zoom in on an asset on the map by clicking in its card in the asset list or its name in the asset grid.
- To view details for an asset, click its name on its card in the asset list or in the asset grid.
The Asset Details pane will be displayed; its top section contains the same information as the asset's card.
The icons beneath the details perform the following functions:
: Launches the asset's history of activity for the current day. See Mapping Asset History for details.
: Opens Street View in Google Maps on a new tab for the asset's location.
: Navigates from your current position to the asset using Google Maps (on a new tab).
: Enables you to find fleet assets that are close to the selected asset.
: Displays the maintenance schedule assigned to the asset so that you can see when it's next due for repairs and upkeep. (If there is no associated schedule, this option will be grayed out.)
- If the asset has CalAmp Tags associated with it and you click the Tags expansion arrow, they'll appear in a list beneath the pane.
Note: You can click a tag's name to open its details and zoom in on its last-known location on the map. Ifappears to the right of its name, the tool is out of range of its assigned asset's LMU.
If the asset is equipped with a CalAmp Vision camera, you can view the vehicle's recently recorded video events by clicking the Vision expansion arrow. The latest video will be treated as a featured event, larger than the others and displayed on top. When you hover over the featured event capture, the video will start playing. Also, you can click any video event in the list to open it in its own Vision window and play it. This window includes a full-screen viewing option. (See Viewing a CalAmp Vision Video Capture for more details. Go to What Triggers a CalAmp Vision Video Capture? for a list of what events trigger the video recordings.)
You can click the Diagnostics expansion arrow to see engine data, such as whether the Check Engine light is on, the odometer value, engine hours, fuel level, battery levels, input status, and fault codes (as available).
If you click the Additional Info expansion arrow, you'll see the asset's properties, such as name, description, and asset type.
- To view an asset's pop-up window, click its directional marker and label on the map.
This displays data such as the asset's current location, status, speed, fuel level, last day and time it reported to CalAmp, and assigned driver (as available). On the right are similar icons to those of the Asset Details pane, which enable you to view history, find nearby assets, navigate to its position, and launch Street View.