At the top of the Tracking screen are filters that enable you to select particular assets to view — by name, by the group they belong to, their asset type, their asset category, their assigned routes, and their current status. You also can set a filter to see only certain geofences (areas of interest to your organization, such as job sites). After you make your selections, you can save the filter as kind of a "favorite" so that you can access it quickly and easily in the future. (See Viewing Assets or Geofences Saved as a Filter.) To add and save a new filter, follow these steps:
Note: If you are familiar with legacy iOn and are looking for its bookmark feature (which enabled you to save an area of the map as a favorite), you will be happy to know that you can now save map views. See Saving a Map View for details.
- On the sidebar menu on the left, click
The Tracking screen will open and display the assets of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser. (See Choosing a Group to View Globally for details on how to change your chosen group.)
- To specify a subgroup of your selected group to view (or multiple subgroups), an individual asset, or just a few assets, follow these steps:
- Click the Groups/Assets drop-down arrow at the top of the screen.
Your selected group will be displayed (City of Meryton in the example in the following figure). It should be automatically expanded to show its subgroups. (If not, an expansion arrow will appear to the left of its name.)
Note: If you want to view a group above this group, you'll need to change the group you have chosen in the Group Chooser, as shown in Choosing a Group to View Globally. If you want to view a group that is above your assigned group in your account hierarchy, you'll need to obtain different permissions from your organization's software administrator. - If the group or asset you need to view is a subgroup or in a subgroup, click the expansion arrow of its parent group (
If you want to display assets in one or more of their subgroups, clickto the left of the higher-level group's name — and keep doing so down the hierarchy until you reach the groups you want.
- To include entire groups in the filter, select the groups' check boxes. (
means selected, and
To include individual assets, click the More Options () icon under the group they belong to.
The group's assets will be displayed.
Then select each asset's check box.
Note: You can choose single assets under different groups as well. - Click Done.
Just the assets or groups you chose will appear on the map (and in the asset list when you clickto the right of
- Click the Groups/Assets drop-down arrow at the top of the screen.
- To specify only certain asset types to track, follow these steps:
- Click the Asset Type drop-down arrow.
The asset types applicable to your selected group will appear.
- Select the check boxes of the asset types you want to be displayed. (
means selected, and
Note: You can click Select All to choose every type — and Clear All to remove all the selections you've made. If the list is large, you can clickand type search criteria for the ones you want. (Search matches will be highlighted.)
- Click Done.
Just assets with the type you chose will appear on the map (and in the asset list when you clickto the right of
- Click the Asset Type drop-down arrow.
- To specify only certain asset categories to track, follow these steps:
- Click the Category drop-down arrow.
Note: If you don't see Category at the top of your screen, that could be because it is being housed under the More Filters option; if your browser window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters, More Filters will contain all of those that don't fit.
If that's the case for you here, click the More Filters drop-down arrow and then Category.
The asset categories applicable to your selected group will appear.
- Select the check boxes of the asset categories you want to be displayed. (
means selected, and
Note: You can click Select All to choose every category — and Clear All to remove all the selections you've made. If the list is large, you can clickand type search criteria for the ones you want. (Search matches will be highlighted.)
- Click Done.
Just assets with the category you chose will appear on the map (and in the asset list when you clickto the right of
- Click the Category drop-down arrow.
- To view only certain geofences, follow these steps:
Caution: Be aware that the Tracking screen has viewing geofences turned off by default. They should become visible automatically after you filter for them. (However, the responsive enabling of geofence visibility doesn't always work.) You can change their status to viewable by clicking the Map Layers icon () on the right and selecting the Geofence toggle. (
means selected, and
Note: This setting will persist across user sessions, so if you enable geofence visibility and then log out, when you log back in again, you will continue to be able to see your geofences.- Click the Geofences drop-down arrow.
Note: If you don't see Geofences at the top of your screen, as mentioned earlier, that could be because it is being housed under the More Filters option; if your browser window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters, More Filters will contain all of those that don't fit.
If that's the case for you here, click the More Filters drop-down arrow and then Geofences.
A list of your geofences will be displayed.
- Select the check boxes of the geofences you want to see on the Tracking screen. (
means selected, and
Note: You can click Select All to choose every geofence — and Clear All to remove all the selections you've made. If the list is large, you can clickand type search criteria for the ones you want. (Search matches will be highlighted.)
- Click Done.
The geofences you chose will appear on the map.
- Click the Geofences drop-down arrow.
- To view only specific routes, follow these steps:
- Click the Route drop-down arrow.
Note: If you don't see Route at the top of your screen, as mentioned earlier, that could be because it is being housed under the More Filters option; if your browser window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters, More Filters will contain all of those that don't fit.
If that's the case for you here, click the More Filters drop-down arrow and then Route.
A list of the routes in the group you have selected in the Group Chooser will be displayed.
- Select the check boxes of routes you want to see on the Tracking screen. (
means selected, and
Note: You can click Select All to choose every route — and Clear All to remove all the selections you've made. If the list is large, you can clickand type search criteria for the ones you want. (Search matches will be highlighted.)
- Click Done.
Just assets assigned to the routes you chose will appear on the map.
- Click the Route drop-down arrow.
- To view assets with a certain status (for example, ones that are currently idle), follow these steps:
- Click the Asset Status drop-down arrow.
Note: If you don't see Asset Status at the top of your screen, as mentioned earlier, that could be because it is being housed under the More Filters option; if your browser window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters, More Filters will contain all of those that don't fit.
If that's the case for you here, click the More Filters drop-down arrow and then Asset Status.
A list of the possible asset statuses will be displayed.
- Select the check boxes of the statuses you want to see on the Tracking screen. (
means selected, and
Note: You can click Select All to choose every status — and Clear All to remove all the selections you've made. - Click Done.
Only assets currently in the states you chose will appear on the map (such as just vehicles that are moving).
- Click the Asset Status drop-down arrow.
- To save the filter choices you made, click
Note: If you have previously saved a filter, you will instead click Select Filter and then Save as New Filter.
The Save Filter dialog box will appear.
- In the Name Your New Filter field, type a name for the filter that will easily identify it for you, such as West Group Assets.
- Click Save.
Your filter choices will be saved.
Going forward, whenever you are on the Tracking screen, you can quickly have the map focus in on the assets or geofences of your filter by clicking Select Filter and then its name in the list. (See Viewing Assets or Geofences Saved as a Filter for more details.)
Note: For details on how to edit saved filters, go to Modifying a Saved Filter. To find out how to delete a filter, see Removing a Saved Filter.