In the CalAmp application, you can compare your drivers' performances using quantifiable metrics based on the events the devices report to the system. You can view your top scorers and scoring trends on the Fleet Dashboard (see Viewing Fleet Data on the Dashboard), run one of the Driver Scorecard reports to obtain all driver statistics (for descriptions, see the Trip, Stop, Location category table in Viewing Available Reports), and customize how the scores are totaled (see Customizing How Driver Scores Are Calculated).

This is how driver scoring works:

  • Each driver's score begins at 100.
  • A driver's score is decreased for each of their safety violations a certain percentage; more severe infractions lower the score more. (You can use the default percentages or configure your own weights for each type of event, as shown in Customizing How Driver Scores Are Calculated.)
  • The score calculation takes into account not just the number of infractions but also the distance driven and how many miles/kilometers the violation continued (such as for speeding events). To be more precise, for simple point events (harsh acceleration, harsh braking, and harsh cornering), the score is figured using the count of each event multiplied by its assigned percentage weight, dividing by the total miles/kilometers driven, and then multiplying by 1000. For events in which duration is considered (speeding), the score is evaluated by multiplying the total distance traveled in each speeding category by the category's assigned weight, dividing by the total miles/kilometers driven, and then multiplying by 100.
  • The score reduction for an event is capped at the percentage value specified on the Admin - Driver Scoring screen; for example, if hard cornering has a weight of 15%, it will never lower a driver's score more than 15 points.

These are the safety violations that lower a driver's score:

  • Harsh acceleration: The driver applied excessive force to the vehicle's gas pedal. The industry definition of harsh acceleration is 250 cm/s/s for 1.5 seconds.
  • Harsh deceleration: The driver hit the brake pedal harder and more quickly than is deemed safe; the industry defines harsh braking as 300 cm/s/s for 1.5 seconds. 
  • Hard cornering: The driver took a turn at an unsafely high speed, which could cause a top-heavy vehicle to overturn. Harsh cornering is industry defined as 400 cm/s/s for 2 seconds.
  • Speeding: Operating a vehicle at a velocity over the post speed limit (PSL). This type of violation is separated into gradations based on how many mph/kph over the PSL the driver is traveling (with higher speeds costing an operator more points), such as 5-9 mph over limit, 10-14 mph over limit, and 15+ mph over. In addition, for these infractions, the reduction is increased the longer the driver is speeding.