The Dashboard provides key information about your fleet's overall performance in an at-a-glance view. The Safety tab presents data in charts and graphs that show you how your overall fleet safety score has evolved over the past month, percentages of harsh event and speeding safety violations, and which drivers have triggered the most harsh and speeding events.

Note: By default, the Safety Dashboard displays results for the past 30 days for all your drivers, all your groups, and only violations. To see how to change these options, go to Customizing What's Displayed on the Safety and Utilization Dashboards.

Displaying the Safety Dashboard

To open the Safety Dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. On the sidebar menu on the left, click . (If your organization has purchased the add-on service CrashBoxx AI, you'll see a flyout menu, on which you will also have to click Fleet.)
    The Dashboard screen will appear and display the Devices tab, unless you were on one of the other tabs previously during this session.
  2. Click the Safety tab at the top of the screen.
    Note: You can give the Dashboard widgets more screen real estate by collapsing the Filters pane on the right by clicking . You'll find this about halfway down the screen between the tiles and the Filters pane. (Click  to restore the filters to view.)

The Fleet Score and Active Drivers Widgets

At the top of the screen, you will see your fleet's overall safety score, which is calculated using the number of safety violations over the course of the chosen time range incurred by all your drivers by default. (Again, you can modify the time period and applicable drivers as shown in the article Customizing What's Displayed on the Safety and Utilization Dashboards.) To the right of the Fleet Score widget is Active Drivers, which shows the number of drivers the data is reflecting.

The Fleet Score by Week Widget

On the Fleet Score by Week tile, you will see a line graph that shows how your fleet score has increased or decreased over the chosen time period (by default, the last 30 days). The y-axis displays the score values, and the x-axis time segments. (For the default date range of Last 30 Days, these will be weeks.)

The Safety Violations Widgets

The Safety Violations Breakdown widget contains a doughnut chart with the percentages of harsh event safety violations by type (Rapid Acceleration, Harsh Braking, and Harsh Cornering), plus camera-detected infractions if your organization has Vision cameras (Camera Collision Warning, Camera Distracted Driving, Camera Lane Departure, Camera Lane Drift, and Camera Traffic Violation — click to see the other categories' color-coding). (See Customizing How Vision Driver Scores Are Calculated for an explanation of the Vision driver score violations.) Each section also shows the number of occurrences of that event over the course of the chosen date range.

Safety Violations - Speeding Distances displays a doughnut chart of the total distance of speeding incidents, separated by category of exceeding the speed limit (such as for miles: 5-10 mph over the speed limit, 10-15 mph over, and higher than 15 mph over).

The Safety Violations by Driver tile shows the number of safety infractions your drivers have incurred, with the count of events on the x-axis and driver names on the y-axis. You can click and drag the handles on the left mini version of the line graph to view different drivers' data.

Safety Violation - Speeding Distance by Driver lists the top drivers who have exceeded the speed limit for the most number of miles (or kilometers, depending on your unit of measure) in your fleet; the bars show the total number of miles each driver was speeding.

The Group and Driver Leaderboards

Caution: You might need to scroll down on the page to see the leaderboards. The scroll bar isn't easy to find; mouse over the right side of the Active Drivers tile, and it will appear.

The Group Leaderboard lists your groups and their safety scores, with the highest-scoring group on top. (100.00 is a perfect score.) You may need to scroll to the right at the bottom of the widget to see the Driver Score column.

The Driver Leaderboard likewise displays your drivers, the group they are assigned to, the asset they were operating, and their safety scores, with the highest-scoring driver on top. (Again, 100.00 is a perfect score.) Be sure to scroll to the right at the bottom of the widget to see more columns of data! These include how many miles the drivers have driven in the chosen time range, their total number of violations, and their total distance traveled while speeding, plus individual breakdowns of each type of infraction and speed category.

The Distance Driven column is important to check. If an operator has driven a significant number of miles, their score may be lower because that naturally means they are going to have more harsh event and speeding incidents. It's much easier for a driver who has driven just a short distance to have a higher score.