On the Tracking screen, if there is an area of the map you focus in on frequently, you can save that location as a map view so that you can access it quickly and easily in the future. (See Launching a Map View.) This is similar to the bookmark feature in legacy iOn, but improved in that you can also save the basemap to display for the view. To add a new map view, follow these steps:

Note: In addition to the map view option, the CalAmp application offers the ability to save filters so that you can monitor only certain assets (based on their properties) or geofences. See Saving an Asset or Geofence View as a Filter for details.

  1. On the sidebar menu on the left, click .
    The Tracking screen will open and display the assets of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser. (See Choosing a Group to View Globally for details on how to change your chosen group.)
  2. Click and drag the map to the area you want to save, and then zoom in and out as needed using and  at the bottom right of the map. (Take up the whole of the visible map area with the region to be included in the view.)
  3. To include a different basemap (not the current one) in the view, follow these steps:
    1. Click  in the top-right toolbar.
      The Basemaps widget will appear. (See Navigating the Tracking Screen's Map for an explanation of the different types of maps available.)
    2. Click the basemap you want for the view.
  4. Click  in the top-right toolbar.
    The Map Views widget will be displayed. The image on the left is how it will appear if you haven't previously saved a map view; on the right, you'll see how this will look if you already have at least one saved view.
  5. If you have saved a map view in the past, click Save Current View at the top right.

    If not, skip to step 6.
  6. In the Name the Custom View field, type a name for the map view that will easily identify it for you.
  7. Click Done.
    Your view will be saved.
    Going forward, whenever you are on the Tracking screen, you can quickly have the map focus in on your chosen favorite area by clicking its name in the Map Views widget. (See Launching a Map View for more details.)