The Dashboard provides key information about your fleet's overall performance in an at-a-glance view. When you open the Safety or Utilization Dashboard, it will be populated with data for the last 30 days for all your groups and assets or drivers, but you can change the date range and limit other results by using the Filters panel on the right as shown below.
Narrowing Your Results Using the Filters
You can customize what's displayed on the Safety and Utilization Dashboards as follows:
Caution: If the option you want to change is grayed out, don't worry! You will be able to modify its setting by enabling the panel. To do so, click the toggle on its bottom right:
- To change the time period of results on either Dashboard, follow these steps:
- Mouse over the top right of the Date Range pane.
will appear.
- Click
The Date Range filter will be displayed.
- To display all the data from the past year on the Dashboard, select Include All (No Filter Applied). Then skip down to step h.
- To select specific years, quarters, months, weeks, or days, click the Year drop-down arrow and click one of the options. Then click the Select drop-down arrow and check the boxes of the time segments you need. (For Day, you will choose the days on a calendar picker.) You can click Select All to include all the options. Then skip down to step h.
Note: The Hour (Aggregated) and 15-Min (Aggregated) options currently aren't functioning. - To choose a certain number of days, weeks, months, or quarters, leave Last selected for its drop-down list, click the 30 up-down arrow and select the count you need, and then click the Days drop-down arrow and select the new time value. Then skip down to step h.
Note: You can select This and then a time value (such as month) to receive results from just the beginning of that time frame up until now. The Next option, unfortunately, does NOT provide future results (and is just a leftover from similar dialog boxes). If Including Current is checked, the current day, week, month, or quarter will be included in the results. (Deselect this if you don't want today's [for example] activity to be reported as well.) - You can set a certain time range by clicking the From calendar picker, choosing the beginning date on the calendar, and then selecting the end date. (Click outside the picker to close it.) Then skip down to step h.
- You can choose specific time conditions to include or exclude from the results by first clicking the Is Not drop-down arrow, selecting from these options, and performing the following steps:
- Is Not: To exclude the conditions you will enter from the results. Click the Year drop-down arrow and click one of the options. Then click the Select drop-down arrow and check the boxes of the time segments you want to leave out. (For Day, you will choose the days on a calendar picker.) You can click Select All for all the options.
For example, if you know of a day of the month that will have unusual usage results (such as a company holiday), you might choose Is Not/Day/that holiday's date to prevent it from being a part of the Utilization results.
The results will include all the days, months, or such for the past year EXCEPT those you specify.
- Is: To show ONLY the conditions you will enter. Follow the instructions for Is Not, but in this case the results will include all the days, months, or such for the past year that you DID specify.
- Is Within: To include results within a specific range of conditions. Click the 1 up-down arrow and select the count you need; click the Year drop-down arrow and select Year, Quarter, Month, Week, or Day; select Before or After in the next drop-down list; and specify a date using the calendar picker.
For example, if someone reported objectionable driver activity but only had a general idea of the date it occurred, you might choose Is Within/2/Weeks/Before/the date they did provide to return Safety results for that two-week time span.
- Top: To display only the highest values of the conditions. Click the 1 up-down arrow and select the count you need; click the Year drop-down arrow and select Year, Quarter, Month, Week, or Day; click in the Ranked By box and select the field you want.
For example, if you want to see the week with the highest idling values from the past year, you would choose Top/1/Week/Idle Time (Hours) on the Utilization Dashboard.
- Bottom: To display only the lowest values of the conditions. Follow the same procedure as for Top, but for this, the results will show the week with the least idling hours (for example) for the past year.
- Is Not: To exclude the conditions you will enter from the results. Click the Year drop-down arrow and click one of the options. Then click the Select drop-down arrow and check the boxes of the time segments you want to leave out. (For Day, you will choose the days on a calendar picker.) You can click Select All for all the options.
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Date Range pane.
- To change the subgroups whose results are being displayed on either Dashboard (by default, the data from all the subgroups of the group selected in the Group Chooser will be included), follow these steps:
- Mouse over the top right of the Group pane.
will appear.
- Click
The Group filter will be displayed.
Include All (meaning all the subgroups of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser, plus the parent group itself) will be selected by default.
Note: If you want to view data of a group above this group, you'll need to change the group you have chosen in the Group Chooser, as shown in Choosing a Group to View Globally. If you want to view a group that is above your assigned group in your account hierarchy, you'll need to obtain different permissions from your organization's administrator. - To choose specific groups by name, select the radio button to the left of Find in the List.
Then select the check boxes of the groups' data you want to display.
Note: You can scroll down to find the child groups you need or instead type part of the group name in the search box. After you have typed a few characters, only groups with the matching criteria will remain in the list. - Optionally, you can use specific conditions to include or exclude groups from the results by selecting the bottom radio button, clicking the Is Not drop-down arrow, choosing the condition, and selecting the groups (or typing the criteria).
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Group pane.
- To change the assets whose results are being displayed on either Dashboard (by default, the data from all the assets of the group selected in the Group Chooser will be included), follow these steps:
- Mouse over the top right of the Asset pane.
will appear.
- Click
The Asset filter will be displayed.
Include All (meaning all the assets of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser) will be selected by default.
Note: If you want to view asset data of a group above this group, you'll need to change the group you have chosen in the Group Chooser, as shown in Choosing a Group to View Globally. If you want to view a group that is above your assigned group in your account hierarchy, you'll need to obtain different permissions from your organization's administrator. - To choose specific assets by name, select the radio button to the left of Find in the List.
Then select the check boxes of the assets' data you want to display.
Note: You can scroll down to find the assets you need or instead type part of their name in the search box. After you have typed a few characters, only assets with the matching criteria will remain in the list. - Optionally, you can use specific conditions to include or exclude assets from the results by selecting the bottom radio button, clicking the Is Not drop-down arrow, choosing the condition, and selecting the assets (or typing the criteria).
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Asset pane.
- To change the days of the week the results pull data from on either Dashboard (by default, all seven days are included), follow these steps:
- Mouse over the top right of the Day of Week pane.
will appear.
- Click
The Day of Week filter will be displayed.
Include All (meaning all seven days of the week) will be selected by default.
- To choose only certain days, select the radio button to the left of Find in the List.
Then select the check boxes of the days' data you want to display. (For example, if your drivers operate your vehicles only on weekdays, you might select Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.)
- Optionally, you can use specific conditions to include or exclude days from the results by selecting the bottom radio button, clicking the Is Not drop-down arrow, choosing the condition, and selecting the days (or typing the criteria).
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Day of Week pane.
Safety Dashboard–Only Filters
- You can limit the included drivers (by default, data from all your drivers will be displayed) as follows:
- Mouse over the top right of the Driver pane.
will appear.
- Click
The Driver filter will be displayed.
Include All (meaning all the drivers of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser, plus its subgroups) will be selected by default.
Note: If you want to view driver data of a group above this group, you'll need to change the group you have chosen in the Group Chooser, as shown in Choosing a Group to View Globally. If you want to view a group that is above your assigned group in your account hierarchy, you'll need to obtain different permissions from your organization's administrator. - To choose specific drivers by name, select the radio button to the left of Find in the List.
Then select the check boxes of the drivers' data you want to display.
Note: You can scroll down to find the operators you need or instead type part of their name in the search box. After you have typed a few characters, only drivers with the matching criteria will remain in the list. - Optionally, you can exclude drivers from the results by selecting the bottom radio button (whose only current option is Is Not) and selecting the names of those to NOT include.
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Driver pane.
- To change the conditions of the violations included, follow these steps:
- After enabling the Safety Violation pane (if necessary), you can change the number of violations that determine if a driver's results are included (by default, any violation number higher than zero will make their data be returned) by clicking the up-down arrows to the right of 0. For example, to exclude drivers who have incurred 50 or fewer infractions over the chosen time frame, set the value to 50 (> 50) — only drivers who have had 51+ violations will be part of the updated information.
If that's the only type of violation change you need, skip down to step g.
- To modify other conditions in the Safety Violation pane, mouse over the top right of it.
will appear.
- Click
The Safety Violation filter will be displayed.
The Select from List drop-down list provides value options, enabling you to select any exact number of violations that will make a driver be included in the results. You will have better data, though, from following step a.
- You can specify From and To values to have a range of violation numbers be included (such as drivers with 10 to 500 infractions over the course of the chosen time range).
- Optionally, you can use specific conditions to include only drivers with certain values by selecting the bottom radio button, clicking the Greater Than drop-down arrow, choosing the condition, and typing the numerals.
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- After enabling the Safety Violation pane (if necessary), you can change the number of violations that determine if a driver's results are included (by default, any violation number higher than zero will make their data be returned) by clicking the up-down arrows to the right of 0. For example, to exclude drivers who have incurred 50 or fewer infractions over the chosen time frame, set the value to 50 (> 50) — only drivers who have had 51+ violations will be part of the updated information.
Utilization Dashboard–Only Filters
- You can limit the included assets by asset type, asset category, or fuel type (by default, data from all of your assets will be displayed) as follows:
Note: The steps for the Asset Type, Asset Category, and Fuel Type pane are the same.- Mouse over the top right of the Asset Type, Asset Category, or Fuel Type pane, depending on which you want to use to narrow your Dashboard results.
will appear.
- Click
The filter will be displayed.
All the asset types, categories, or fuel types in the group you have selected in the Group Chooser will be selected by default.
Note: If you want to view asset data of a group above this group, you'll need to change the group you have chosen in the Group Chooser, as shown in Choosing a Group to View Globally. If you want to view a group that is above your assigned group in your account hierarchy, you'll need to obtain different permissions from your organization's administrator. - To choose specific items by name, select the radio button to the left of Find in the List.
Then select the check boxes of the entities' data you want to display.
Note: You can scroll down to find the ones you need or instead type part of their name in the search box. After you have typed a few characters, only items with the matching criteria will remain in the list. - Optionally, you can include or exclude entities from the results by selecting the bottom radio button, clicking the Is Not drop-down arrow, choosing the condition, and selecting their check boxes (or typing the criteria).
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Asset Type, Asset Category, or Fuel Type pane, depending on which you want to use to narrow your Dashboard results.
- To show data for assets that weren't active (by default only active assets are shown for the selected time range), follow these steps:
- Mouse over the top right of the Asset Active on the Day? pane.
will appear.
- Click
The Asset Active on the Day? filter will be displayed.
Yes will be selected by default.
- Select No if you also want to see assets that were NOT active during your chosen time range (and keep Yes selected).
Deselect Yes if you want to see ONLY assets that were not active during that time period (although this won't result in very good Dashboard data).
- Click Apply.
The update icon () will appear to the left of the Filters panel.
- Click
to reload the results with your changes applied.
- Mouse over the top right of the Asset Active on the Day? pane.