To map the history of asset activity in a specific geographic area (also called a boundary search), follow these steps:
- To see the history of only certain assets in a particular region, follow the steps in Mapping Asset History and then skip down to step 8 in this article to apply your boundary.
- To apply the boundary first (and find all the asset activity within it), click
on the left side of the screen.
The Tracking screen will open and display the assets of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser. (See Choosing a Group to View Globally for details on how to change your chosen group.)
- Click the Dates drop-down arrow in the filters at the top of the page.
Note: If you don't see Dates at the top of your screen, that could be because it is being housed under the More Filters option; if your browser window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters, More Filters will contain all of those that don't fit.
If that's the case for you here, click the More Filters drop-down arrow and then Dates.
Time period options will appear.
- To choose one of the common time frames, click the radio button for Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, or Last 30 Days and skip down to step 7. (Live indicates that you are currently tracking the assets' present activity.)
To select specific dates, click Custom.
Calendars for the current and following months will appear. (If your window width is smaller, you may see only the current month.)
- To select the first date, you can click the day on this month's calendar; click
until you find the correct month and then select the day on its calendar; or type the date in the top field on the left (in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm Xm), such as "06/30/2024 12:00 am."
- To select the end date, you can click the day on the calendar or type the date in the second field on the left (in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm Xm), such as "07/08/2024 11:59 pm."
Caution: The maximum number of days you can include in the range is 40. - Click Done.
The history of activity for the time range you selected will be displayed on the map at the top of the screen, and the data for the events will appear in a grid on the bottom.
Note: If you need more screen real estate for either the grid or map, you can click and dragseparating the two up or down.
Don't be alarmed if the "Please refine your search" message appears! This will appear if you have chosen more assets than the basic asset history will allow. You can ignore this — the boundary removes these limits because you're selecting a particular map area, which is its own form of reducing the results. - Click the Boundary drop-down arrow at the top of the screen.
Note: Again, you might need to click the More Filters drop-down arrow and then Boundary. (If your browser window isn't wide enough to accommodate all the available filters, More Filters will contain all of those that don't fit.)
The Create a Boundary widget will open.
- Follow the set of steps below for the type of shape you want to surround the geographic region in which to map history (circle, polygon based on a rectangle, or drawn irregular form):
Circular Boundary
- Click
An address field will appear.
Note: If you don't want to type in a location, you can just click where you want the center of your circle on the map and then skip down to step d. - In the Enter Address, Coordinates, or Places field, type the address or place name where you need to draw the boundary.
Note: Don't try entering latitude and longitude values, even though "coordinates" suggests that you could do so. This currently doesn't work but is planned to be added in the future.
Matching locations will appear in a drop-down list.
- Click the correct address.
The CalAmp application will place a large circle at that location.
- Zoom in on the shape by clicking
on the toolbar as many times as necessary (or by scrolling up on your mouse wheel), and click and drag the map to be precise.
- Click and drag the Radius slider to the size you'd like the circle to be in meters. (Slide to the left to make it smaller or right to make it larger.)
You can zoom in or out more as needed (usingand
or your mouse wheel).
- If the placement of the circle isn't quite where you want it to be, click the handle in its center and then drag it to the right spot.
You can further tweak the radius size by clicking and dragging the handle on the edge of the circle in or out.
- When the circle is at the location and size you want, click Next in the widget.
The history results for only the area surrounded by the circle will be displayed.
Note: You may have to wait a few seconds for the results in the grid to be updated.
Caution: While you are waiting, the CalAmp application may state that there are no results (and then display the history on the map). - Skip down to step 10.
- Click
- Polygonal Boundary with a Rectangular Starting Point
Note: It's a little difficult to use the Polygon tool to draw a shape that is very irregular with specificity. This works best with mostly square shapes. For freeform shapes, you might have better luck with the Draw type. (See the next subsection, "Irregular Boundary.")- Click
An address field will appear.
Note: If you don't want to type in a location, you can just click where you want the center of the beginning square on the map and then skip down to step d. - In the Enter Address, Coordinates, or Places field, type the address or place name where you need to draw the shape.
Note: Don't try entering latitude and longitude values, even though "coordinates" suggests that you could do so. This currently doesn't work but is planned to be added in the future.
Matching locations will appear in a drop-down list.
- Click the correct address.
The CalAmp application will place a large square at that location.
- Zoom in on the shape by clicking
on the toolbar as many times as necessary (or by scrolling up on your mouse wheel), and click and drag the map to be precise.
- Click and drag one of the handles on the edge of the square in or out to roughly the size you'd like the boundary to be.
You can zoom in or out more as needed (usingand
or your mouse wheel).
- If the placement of the square isn't quite where you want it to be, click in its center and then drag it to the right spot.
Note: You may need to first double-click in the square.
You can further tweak the size by clicking and dragging the handles in or out again.
- If you need to change the shape to a more freeform polygon, click within the square.
Then place your cursor over one of the corner handles.
The handles on the corners will become orange.
- Click and drag one of the orange handles to the shape direction you want.
- Repeat step h as many times as necessary.
- When the geoboundary is the size and shape you want and at the correct location, click Next in the widget.
The history results for only the area surrounded by the polygon will be displayed.
Note: You may have to wait a few seconds for the results in the grid to be updated.
Caution: While you are waiting, the CalAmp application may state that there are no results (and then display the history on the map). - Skip down to step 10.
- Click
- Irregular Boundary
- Click
An address field will appear.
Note: If you don't want to type in a location, you can just begin drawing your shape on the map — skip down to step e. - In the Enter Address, Coordinates, or Places field, type the address or place name where you need to draw the boundary.
Note: Don't try entering latitude and longitude values, even though "coordinates" suggests that you could do so. This currently doesn't work but is planned to be added in the future.
Matching locations will appear in a drop-down list.
- Click the correct address.
The CalAmp application will center the map on that location.
- Zoom in on the spot by clicking
on the toolbar as many times as necessary (or by scrolling up with your mouse wheel), and click and drag the map to be precise.
- Move your cursor over the map, placing it at the top-left corner of the boundary you plan to draw.
- Click the first point of the shape and move your cursor to the right.
- Click at the end of the first line.
- Move your cursor away from that point in the direction of the second line of the shape.
- Click at the end of that second line.
- Move your cursor away from the third point in the direction of a third line to continue your shape.
- Click at the end of that line.
- Repeat steps j and k for as many lines as you need to create your shape.
- After you've drawn your final line, double-click.
- Click Next in the widget.
The history results for only the area surrounded by the irregular shape will be displayed.
Note: You may have to wait a few seconds for the results in the grid to be updated.
Caution: While you are waiting, the CalAmp application may state that there are no results (and then display the history on the map).
- Click
- Note: If you want to redraw your boundary (with either the same type of shape or a different one), you'll need to first remove the current one by clicking
on the Boundary chip above the map:
- For boundary searches, grouping results by trips is automatically disabled so that you can more clearly see the raw event data (which will avoid strange results due to some trip events being outside the boundary).
- To view all the individual events for an asset, click its expansion arrow (
) in the grid. (You can scroll down if needed to see all the events.)
To limit the events listed, such as to check only for Begin Speeding events, filter the Events column. (See Sorting and Filtering Column Data if necessary.)
For more details about the history options and results, go to Mapping Asset History.