Both alerts and geofence events are reported to CalAmp. Alerts, or notifications, are messages that inform users of certain asset/driver situations (as a result of event triggers from your assets' devices), such as a warning about a low battery or a missing CalAmp Tag. Geofence events occur when your assets enter and exit your designated geofences (areas of interest to your organization, such as job sites or vehicle yards, around which you draw geocoded borders). In the CalAmp application, there are a couple different ways to view your notifications and mark them as read: via the Notifications panel (accessible using the  icon in the site banner) and the Events - Notification Events screen, as described in the following two sections.

Caution: Be aware that unlike in legacy iOn, in the current version of the application, you won't see all your geofence events in a banner drop-down panel. The legacy Geofence Events panel has been removed from the software (or, more accurately, not carried over to the new version of the CalAmp application — and the Alerts panel was renamed "Notifications"). Instead, you can view your geofence events on the Geofence Events screen (see Viewing Your Geofence Events).

You can, of course, see geofence event alerts in the new Notifications panel if you have specifically added those notifications via Admin - Notifications (Admin - Alerts in legacy iOn). The alert types to use for those are Geofence Event, Geofence Event by Asset, Geofence Event v2, and Geofence URLPOST Event.

Be aware that geofence alerts are triggered only for assets in the group they are assigned to (or their child groups, if the notification is set to be inheritable) — NOT for their parent group or any other groups higher in your organization's hierarchy.

Note: When you mark a notification as read, this verifies for all the other users in your organization that the alert has been seen and, if necessary, handled (for example, if a geofence that is a prohibited zone was entered, you may have informed the driver's manager). Generally, only responsible parties should be marking notifications as read.

Via the Notifications Panel

To see and acknowledge your alerts via the banner panel, follow these steps:

  1. Click  in the site banner.
    Note: The number to the top left of the icon indicates how many unread notifications you have. (If there is no number, all your notifications have been marked as read.)
    The Notifications panel will appear and display the most recent urgent notifications your organization has received. (These are notifications that were set to a Severity level of Critical when they were created.)
  2. To view other notifications (those with a Severity level of Low, Medium, or High), click the All Activity tab.
    Here's what you will see on each notification card:

    A. The type of notification.
    B. The name of the asset.
    C. The notification name.
    D. If you click View Asset when you are on the Tracking screen, the map will zoom in on the asset and display its details pane on the left. If you are on another screen, the Tracking screen will launch, but you'll need to click View Asset again in order to zoom in on the asset.
    E. Clicking View Event launches the Asset History report for the asset and highlights the row of the event.
    F. The date and time the triggering event was sent to CalAmp.
    G. indicates that the notification is unread.
    H. Expands the notification card, providing details such as its group/account name, the triggering event, and where the event occurred (either the address or geofence).
  3. To mark an individual notification as read, you can click anywhere in its card.
  4. You can mark all the notifications as read by clicking  at the top right of the panel and selecting Mark All As Read.
    This menu also has these options:
    • See Unread Only: Displays only notifications that haven't been marked as read. (To return to viewing all the notifications, click See Unread Only again.)
    • Select Multiple at Once: Places check boxes to the right of the timestamps, which enables you to choose more than one notification and then mark those as read (using the option Mark Selected As Read, which it adds to the menu). If you click Clear Selected after you've selected the check boxes, a prompt will warn you that this will clear the chosen alerts from the panel; click Yes, Clear if you no longer want them to appear. To remove the check boxes from the notification cards, click Select Multiple at Once again.
  5. You can remove an individual notification from the panel by clicking anywhere in its card and then clicking at the top right of the card. ( will become "Clear" as you click.)

Via the Events - Notification Events Screen

You can view and acknowledge your notifications using the Events - Notification Events screen as follows:

  1. In the sidebar menu on the left, click .
  2. Click Notification Events on the flyout menu that appears.
    The Events - Notification Events screen will appear and display all the unacknowledged alerts your organization has received, with the most recent on top.
  3. To acknowledge a single notification, you can click  at the far right in its row and select Acknowledge from the menu.
    Note: If the Notification Events screen is set to its default display (which shows only unacknowledged alerts), this will appear to delete the alert, as it will no longer be shown. This doesn't delete the alert, though, and you can see it by opening the Acknowledged column's filter, selecting Clear, and clicking Apply. (See Sorting and Filtering Column Data if needed.)
  4. To view detailed data about a notification, click  in its row and then View from the menu.
    The alert's Details window will appear.

    The data it includes depends on the type of alert it is, but typically, it will have the name of the asset that triggered the alert, its group name, the date and time the alert was transmitted, and where the triggering event occurred. At the bottom will be the email address the notification was sent to and cell phone number of the text recipient (if any).
  5. You can click Acknowledge at the bottom of the Details window to mark the notification as acknowledged (or  to exit the window).
  6. To acknowledge several alerts at once, click the check box at the far left of the row of each notification.
    An options bar will appear above the grid.
  7. Click Acknowledge Selected.