We redesigned the Tracking screen, providing significant improvements. You can find the new page at Tracking >> Tracking Beta. It is in beta; , so you can try out our new implementation and give feedback, but still have access to our previous Tracking screen (located at Tracking >> Tracking). This is what you’ll see on the new-and-improved screen:
- We improved the page’s performance, including faster widgets and optimized asset clustering.
- We added pagination controls at the bottom of the grid. You will now be able to choose the number of assets you want the grid to show per page (5, 15, or 25) and use the page number field to quickly jump to a certain page of results. You also can use the and controls to move to the next or preceding page, respectively.
- We are removing Huge Fleet mode, which prevented automatic refresh and the ability to turn off clustering if you were viewing over 5,000 assets.
- We reworked the Find Nearby feature as follows:
- The controls now open in a separate dialog box on the map (instead of in the Asset Details pane), even if Find Nearby was launched from the Asset Details pane. The found assets will appear in a list within that box.
- The chosen distance (such as within 5 miles of the original asset) will be displayed on the map as a circle filled with diagonal lines so that you can visualize the area.
- If you select one of the found nearby assets in the list, it will be highlighted, and its label alone will be displayed on the map. (If other assets are in the same area, their names will be hidden.)
On several screens, we reworked how the items in the grid were aligned, including the following:
- In the Asset History grid, we changed the alignment of the Vision and Status column icons and values to be centered on the row, instead of at the top.
In addition, we left-aligned the “X Events” value in the trip row with the Events heading.
- On the Video Requests tab of the Vision Library screen, we centered the values in the Status column on the row as well.
- On the Schedule tab of the Maintenance page, we centered the Next Service progress bar on the row.
- On the Admin screens, we removed the gap between the last column and the overflow icon (which was particularly obvious if a row was selected/highlighted).