On the Video Events tab of the Vision Library screen, you can see all the videos your camera devices have captured and sent to CalAmp for the past six months. To view your Vision videos, follow these steps:

  1. On the sidebar menu on the left, click .
    The Vision Library screen will appear and display the Video Events tab.
    The data for all your video captures over the last two years will be included in the grid, sorted by date and time, with the most recent videos on top.
    Note: Although two years' worth of video information is available, only ones from the last six months can be downloaded and played.
  2. If your list of videos is small, or if you are interested in one of the most recent video events, you can scroll down to find the row of the video you need to view.
    Otherwise, you can perform a search for a particular video as follows:
    1. Type part of the event name in the search field at the top right, such as "harsh."
      Note: Currently, you can search only for certain events. There are future plans to include other search parameters.
    2. Press Enter.
      Only video events with names containing your search criteria will be returned, such as all harsh events if you searched for "harsh."
  3. In the row of the video you want to see, click .
    The video will appear in its own window.
  4. Click  to play the video.
    You can click and drag  left or right to move backward or forward in the clip.
    You can click  to view the capture full-screen.
    Note: There is no sound available for the Vision videos, so the audio controls have no function.
  5. When you reach the end of the video, you can click  to watch it again.
  6. Click Close to exit the Vision window.
  7. You can download a video from the Video Events grid by clicking  in its row.
  8. You can refresh the data on the Video Events tab by clicking  at the top right of the grid (if you want to see if any new captures are available).
  9. You can export the grid information to a CSV (comma-separated value) file by clicking .