The following are links to videos on how to perform various operations in the CalAmp application.

Using the Tracking Screen

Using Reports

Performing Administrative Tasks via the Admin Screens

  • Admin - Assets: Using the Assets screen to add, edit, and delete assets, plus assigning drivers, routes, and tools to assets.
  • Admin - DevicesViewing and editing your LMUs (location messaging units) and other devices on the Devices screen. Note that you assign the devices to assets on the Assets screen.
  • Admin - Drivers: Adding, editing, and deleting driver profiles using the Drivers screen. Note that you assign drivers to assets on the Assets screen.
  • Admin - Groups: Using the Groups screen to create the structure of your organization's fleet and to define various ways to filter assets on the Tracking screen. You assign assets to their respective groups on the Assets screen.
  • Admin - Routes: Adding, editing, and deleting routes on the Routes screen. In CalAmp, a route isn't a path that a vehicle is assigned to follow (a specific itinerary of stops along a course); rather, a CalAmp route is an attribute you can define to use as a filter (such as snow routes in a certain area).
  • Admin - Roles: Adding, editing, duplicating, and deleting roles via the Roles screen. You assign roles to users on the Users screen.
  • Admin - Users: Adding new users of the CalAmp application, updating their profiles, and deleting them.
  • Admin - Geofences: Using the Geofences screen to create, edit, and remove your geofences. After these are added, you can receive notifications when assets enter and exit the areas, plus generate reports on geofence asset activity. On the Tracking screen, there is a Geofence Location column in the grid that displays the name of the geofence if an asset is located within it.
  • Admin - Notifications: Creating new notifications, also called alerts, plus editing and deleting them. Notifications are sent via email or text and notify users immediately when assets trigger certain events or enter a geofence.
  • Admin - Maintenance: Using the Maintenance screens to create service schedules for your assets so that you can keep track of when they are due for repairs and receive alert reminders prior to the maintenance due date. You first add service items (each individual service/repair the asset type you are targeting will need on a regular basis) and then group them together to build the service schedule. When the actual services occur, you can log the date to keep your maintenance tracking up-to-date.
  • Admin - Schedules: Adding, editing, and deleting schedules, which are plans of the specific days of the week and hours of those days designated for an entity's use. You can apply schedules to assets, drivers, and notifications.
  • Admin - IO Profiles: Using the IO Profiles screen to add, edit, and delete input/output profiles, which enable users to define the state (active/inactive) of various inputs the LMUs have been connected to on your assets. For example, input 2 of the LMU could be connected to the plow blade, spreader, or cement mixer of an asset.
  • Admin - Driver Scoring: The CalAmp application uses a weighted scoring method to assign a score to drivers. When safety violations are detected, such as harsh braking, hard cornering, harsh acceleration, and speeding, the application deducts points from a driver's initial score (100). You set the weight values on the Driver Scoring screen, and you can see your drivers' scores on the Dashboard or by running the Driver Scorecard Summary/Detail reports, version 2.