The Dashboard provides key information about your fleet's overall performance in an at-a-glance view. When you open the screen, it will be populated with certain default widgets of data for the last seven days, but you can change the date range of results and customize which widgets are shown, as explained in the second two sections below.

Changing What Overall Data Is Shown

The Dashboard displays the data of the group you have selected in the Group Chooser. By default, this will be the group you are assigned to, but you can limit the information shown by choosing one of its subgroups. (See Choosing a Group to View Globally for details.)

Changing Which Widgets Are Displayed

To change which widgets are presented, follow these steps:

  1. In the sidebar menu on the left, click . (If your organization has purchased the add-on service CrashBoxx, you'll see a flyout menu, in which you will also have to click Fleet.)
    The Dashboard screen will appear and display the Devices tab, unless you were on one of the other tabs previously during this session.
  2. If necessary, click the Devices tab at the top left of the screen.
  3. At the top right of the screen, click .
    The Edit Dashboard dialog box will appear. If you have never modified your Devices Dashboard selections before, both of its widgets will be listed under Added Widgets. This indicates that they are currently included on the Dashboard.
    If you have previously customized the displayed widgets, one may be under Available Widgets, which is where widgets that aren't being shown on the Dashboard at present are stored.
  4. To remove a widget from the Dashboard, under Added Widgets, click the Saved to Dashboard  at the far right of its row (deselecting it).
    Its name will be moved to the Available Widgets section, and its data will no longer be displayed on the Dashboard.
  5. To add a widget to the Dashboard, under Available Widgets, click the Save to Dashboard  at the far right of its row (selecting it).
    Its data tiles will immediately appear (and its name will now be listed under Added Widgets).
  6. To exit the Edit Dashboard dialog box, click anywhere outside of it (or  at the top left).

Changing the Time Period of Results

To change the date range of the data the Dashboard provides, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Dates drop-down arrow.
    Time period options will appear.
  2. To choose one of the common time frames, click the radio button for Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, or Last 30 Days and skip down to step 5.
    To set specific dates, click Custom.
    Calendars for the current and following months will appear.
  3. To select the first date, you can click the day on this month's calendar; click until you find the correct month and then select the day on its calendar; or type the date in the top field on the left (in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm Xm), such as "10/01/2024 12:00 am."
  4. To select the end date, you can click the day on this month's or the previous month's calendar (depending on which beginning date you chose) or type the date in the second field on the left (in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm Xm), such as "10/19/2024 12:00 am."
    Caution: The maximum number of days you can include in the range is 40.
  5. Click Done.
    The Dashboard data will be updated for the time range you selected.